Sangha Night
At Peace House and on Facebook
The perfect Tuesday evening if you want to find out more about Buddhism and discuss how to apply it in your life. We'll meditate together, learn a core teaching of the Buddha, and discuss it in a context of open inquiry and practical application.
Doors open at 6:00pm if you'd like to join the team to help set up the room. The rest of the evening looks like:
6.30pm - Chanting and Meditation
7.10pm - Tea break
7.30pm - Theme, with talk and discussion
All our classes are run on a donation basis. If you benefit from our activities please give to us via our donations page.
In more detail:
We begin with two bits of traditional chanting - saluting the Three Jewels of Buddhism: the Buddha, Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), and Sangha (the spiritual community); and chanting the Refuges and Precepts, in Pāli and English.
We teach two main kinds of meditation: mindfulness of breathing, a four-stage practice involving awareness of the breath; and metta bhavana, the cultivation of loving-kindness in five stages.
Our tea break is a chance to get to know others in our community and people sometimes bring cake along to share.
The talk and discussion follows a series, looking at how we relate ancient Buddhist teachings to our modern lives. Normally a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order will give a 15 minute presentation, followed by discussion in small groups, and then an (often lively) whole group discussion.
How To Join
We'll begin streaming to our private Facebook group Oxford Triratna Buddhist Community at 7.30pm - if you're not already a member, we recommend joining in advance of the event.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you run events in person?
Yes. Our Tuesday Sangha Nights are held in person at Peace House (directions on our homepage). It is also possible to join us on Facebook.
Do I need to book?
It's a drop-in class so you're welcome to join on the evening itself. If it's your first time, you might want to arrive around 6.15pm to get comfy.
How much does it cost?
We run all our events by donation so feel free to give as much as you like, or nothing at all.
Is this right for me?
Our activities are not suitable for everyone. Buddhism and meditation bring us face-to-face with deep questions about our lives, which can sometimes be uncomfortable. If you’re in any doubt about whether now’s the right time for you to come along, email us at oxfordtriratna@gmail.com.
What can I expect?
You'll be welcomed at the door, and guided through to the room we use as a shrine room by one of our volunteers. They'll show you where you can put your coat and shoes, and where the toilets are.
If you arrive before 6.15pm you might be invited to join in with setting up the room.
There are normally around 15-20 people, and everyone's friendly and approachable.
What seating options are there?
You can sit on a chair, or on top of firm cushions or wooden stools on floor mats. Unless you're familiar with sitting still on the floor for more than 30 minutes, we recommend you use a chair.
Is there any etiquette I need to know about (I don't want to offend anyone!)?
We're not easily offended, so don't worry! At the same time, when entering the shrine room we will ask you to switch off your devices and leave your shoes outside. Other traditional things that support our atmosphere include not lying down with your feet pointing towards the shrine, or consuming meat, fish, or alcohol in the room... in case you were wondering...
Is this suitable for complete newcomers?
Yes. Everything is explained, from the ritual, to the meditation, to the Buddhist themes we explore. And if you're in any doubt, just ask - we're really happy to answer any questions you have.
I’m feeling ill (cold, covid-19, &c.) and think I might be contagious - is it ok to come along?
Best to give it a miss for a week until you’re fully better; you can still join in via our Facebook group Oxford Triratna Buddhist Community (link above)
I'm hoping to come but I've got specific needs that aren't mentioned here
If you have any needs that may affect your involvement which are not addressed here, please get in touch at oxfordtriratna@gmail.com