Dāna is the Buddhist principle of generosity. As part of spreading the Buddha's teachings, we think it's important that we run our centre on the basis of dāna and aim to inspire a culture of giving.
All are classes are run by volunteers who aren't paid for the work they do. We don't charge for most of our classes, but simply ask you to donate whatever you can so we can cover our running costs.
What It Costs
Monthly costs based on spending from our financial year ending 2024Professional services
costs of supporting Prajnaketu part time
Rent or Lease of Buildings
hire of venues for regular classes and day retreats
Weekend Retreats
costs associated with hiring venues, etc.
website, mailchimp, Meetup, T-shirts for Buddhist Action Month, promotions in print and digital media
Computer Hardware/Software
for example in Safeguarding
Sangha Night expenses
Shrines for classes
Day Retreats
travel for visitors, room hire, etc.
Office/General Administrative Expenses
stationary costs, etc, with maintaining records
Where It Comes From
How You Can Help
By far the best way to financially support the Oxford Buddhist Centre continue its activities is to set up a standing order. Fill in the form below and either email it to us or hand it in at one of our sessions.

If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your donation can be increased by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost to you. This makes a significant difference, so if this applies to you, please help us by completing a Gift Aid declaration.
Gift Aid My Donations Learn More