Oxford Young Buddhists
One Friday each month
Who are we?
We are a community of people aged 18 to 30 who want to explore the teachings of the Buddha for life in our modern world. We aim to embody a new way of living and relating to each other. With shared practices and ideals, we hope to become both more individual and also the nucleus of a new society that ultimately benefits everyone.
We meet monthly (at our Sub30s Nights) to connect, transform our perspective, and form friendships with other young people who share our vision. We also meet up socially and for community action days, so feel free to join at any events that interest you. There’s no need to book, and no prior experience needed - just turn up. And while we ask for a donation to cover our costs, we don’t charge for any of our events.
Sub30 Nights
Our current theme is the Samgrahavastus, a traditional Buddhist teaching on how to communicate, inspire, contribute to, and exemplify the best in a community.
These nights are held at:
Peace House, 19 Paradise St, Oxford, OX1 1LD
- 6:15 Doors open- There will be some members of the team at the entrance to Peace House on Paradise Street, who will welcome you and show you around.
- 6:30 Talk will be given on the week’s theme. This will be followed by some discussion in groups, based on the talk we just heard.
- 7:30 Tea break (chats + yummy cake/ biscuits)
- 8:00 Guided Meditation of approximately 20 minutes
- 8:20 Conclusion. A group of us will head for some drinks after - everyone is welcome to join!
Upcoming events
How do we know what's true?
The Buddha's life pre-enlightenment can be described as a tireless search for the truth - but how do we know whether he found it? What does it mean for something to be true, anyway? Depending on who you ask, truth could mean that something is verified by an experiment, or felt in embodied experience, or even Richard Rorty's definition of truth as "simply a compliment paid to sentences seen to be paying their way." Most importantly, does it matter?
Join us on Friday 7th February where we will explore what the Buddha meant when he said his teachings are true, how he suggested we could verify the teachings we encounter, and how that might square with our own ideas of what truth even is.
Doors open at 6:15pm to start at 6:30pm - please come along earlier if you would like to help set up!
Future dates:
Friday 7th March
Get in contact with us
There is no question too silly or small! Please also let us know if there’s anything we can do to make it easier for you to join us at our events.
So you can stay up to date with everything we’re getting up to. We’ll email you with news and details about upcoming events.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you run events in person?
Yes, our Friday nights and community action days are all in person
Do I need to book?
It's a drop-in class so you're welcome to join on the evening itself. If it's your first time, you might want to arrive around 6.15pm to get comfy.
How much does it cost?
We run all our events by donation so feel free to give as much as you like, or nothing at all.
Is this right for me?
Our activities are not suitable for everyone. Buddhism and meditation bring us face-to-face with deep questions about our lives, which can sometimes be uncomfortable. If you’re in any doubt about whether now’s the right time for you to come along, email us at oxfordtriratna@gmail.com.
What can I expect?
You'll be welcomed at the door, and guided through to the room we use as a shrine room by one of our team. They'll show you where you can put your coat and shoes, and where the toilets are.
If you arrive before 6.15pm you might be invited to join in with setting up the room.
Everyone's friendly and approachable - so feel free to ask questions or strike up a conversation.
What seating options are there?
You can sit on a chair, or on top of firm cushions or wooden stools on floor mats. Unless you're familiar with sitting still on the floor for more than 20 minutes, we recommend you use a chair.
Is there any etiquette I need to know about (I don't want to offend anyone!)?
We're not easily offended, so don't worry! At the same time, when entering the shrine room we will ask you to switch off your devices and leave your shoes outside. Other traditional things that support an atmosphere of respect include not lying down with your feet pointing towards the shrine, or consuming meat, fish, or alcohol... in case you were wondering...